Our Confirmation Preparation Program encompasses a combination of learning from home, periodic in-person "Family Faith Events" for both parents and children together, and a purposeful priority placed on the Mass.
For the 2024 - 2025 Program Year, the program is a two-year program that begins in the seventh grade and prepares them to recieve the Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of the eighth grade.
Looking ahead to the 2025 - 2026 Program Year, the program will transition from a 2-year program into a 3-year program that begins in the sixth grade. This is an exciting change, and one that will allow our youth to be more firmly rooted in the faith and more fully equipped and experienced as active members of our parish community and the Roman Catholic Church.
If your child has been enrolled in a program from another parish or has been enrolled in a Catholic school and you are now looking to have your child receive the Sacrament of Confirmation here, simply provide written documentation from the parish or Catholic school where their religious education was provided, along with your registration forms.
If your child has not been participating in our Faith Formation Program and has not been enrolled in a program at another parish or enrolled in a Catholic school, please contact us. We'd be happy to help place your child in the proper grade level of our Faith Formation Program so that he/she can receive the sacrament at an appropriate time.
To Register: Please pick up a Faith Formation Registration Packet from the parish office.
Registration Deadline for the 2024 - 2025 Program Year: August 30, 2024
Once registered: Kindly submit all assignments and required forms for the Sacrament of Confirmation on or before the due dates provided upon registration. Commitments outlined in the Family Commitment Intent Form regarding regular Mass attendance, Confession and Family Faith Event participation are also expected to be upheld.